1. Elisabeth Crouzet-Pavan, "Sopre le acque salse": espaces, pouvoir et société à Venise à la fin du moyen âge (Rome: 1992), 313, 317, 335. I shall rely on this work for much of the discussion in this section; Crouzet-Pavan's entire oeuvre is focused on the relationship between governmental intervention and physical and social change. Furthermore, this is one of the few works on the subject of the Venetian fabric to cover the entire period from the eighth century up to the end of the fifteenth; it is also by far the most comprehensive.
2. In 1292, the Consiglio Maggiore initiated an integrated program of work on canals and banksides (Crouzet-Pavan, "Sopre le acque salse", 300).
3. Crouzet-Pavan, "Sopre le acque salse", 294, 295. By 1495, the city realized that maximum growth had been reached, and the limits of filled-in land were catalogued (Crouzet-Pavan, "Sopre le acque salse", 311).
4. A feeling of municipal well-being appeared to require the continuation of municipal works, even if the traditional pattern of expansion could no longer go on (Crouzet-Pavan, "Sopre le acque salse", 318, 470).
6. Crouzet-Pavan, "Sopre le acque salse", 292. This was often an accurate perception; at various times, serious water-related catastrophes befell the city: the Bacino dried up, the passage of the Rio San Nicolo became impracticable, weeds grew in canals (Crouzet-Pavan, "Sopre le acque salse", 317).
7. Crouzet-Pavan, "Sopre le acque salse", 301. An entire schedule of maintenance and repair was laid out; for some of the results, see Crouzet-Pavan, 302-04.
8. Crouzet-Pavan, "Sopre le acque salse", 311-12. Note that at least some of the filled-in land is not developed at this time; the de'Barbari map reveals many agricultural areas, particularly on the periphery, most notably in the Cannaregio and the Giudecca.
15. Crouzet-Pavan, "Sopre le acque salse", 226-27, 487-92. It is a bit perplexing that barbacani, protrusions into the street of the upper stories of actual buildings, were not the subject of equal civic disapproval.